
Fort de Vaux

Le fort de Vaux. Photo ECPAD

The small Séré de Rivières fort was built between 1881 and 1884

The small Séré de Rivières fort was built between 1881 and 1884 and extended after 1888 with concreted barracks, communication vaults for the caponnieres and vaults at the entrance way. The fort was demilitarized in 1915. The Fort de Vaux saw the removal of its garrison and the disarmament of its two "Casemates de Bourges" (or concrete bunkers). According to the general staff, the forts would have become useless, since torpedo shells could put holes in their armour. But they were useful as ramparts, helping to stop the enemy progress... something the general staff didn't realize until it was already too late. In 1916, the fort came under attack. Petain's dissolving of the RFV (fortified Verdun) led to the establishment of a fixed garrison which, under the orders of Major Raynal, resisted the 50th German division between 2 and 7 June 1916. Dying of thirst and having lost all hope of reinforcements arriving, the garrison finally surrendered. From that point on, the French artillery bombarded the fort. They took it back on 3 November 1916, and an entirely rearmed Fort de Vaux went on to play an important role in battle until November 1918.

Fort de Vaux Directions From Verdun, take the D913a for 3km, turn right at the crossroads in the direction of the "Memorial" and take the D913 for 2.5km Opening hours January Annual closing February-March Daily: 10am-noon / 1pm-5pm April-May-June Daily: 9am-6pm July-August Daily: 9am-6.30pm September Daily 9am-noon / 1pm-6pm October-November Daily 9am-noon / 1pm-6pm December Daily 10am-noon / 1pm-5pm Tarifs Adults 3€/person Adult groups 2,50€/person Children 1,50€/person Military (in uniform) free Military 2.5€/person Family (2 adults + 2 children) 8€ Guided tour in French 50€ Guided tour in English or German 60€

  • Vue aérienne du fort de Vaux
    © Mémorial de Verdun / Champ de bataille - Jonathan Sanaghi
  • Vue aérienne du fort de Vaux
    © Mémorial de Verdun / Champ de bataille
  • Chambrée du fort de Vaux
    © Mémorial de Verdun / Jean-Luc Kaluzko
  • Galerie du fort de Vaux
    © Mémorial de Verdun / Jean-Luc Kaluzko
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    Practical information




    Adultes : 4 € Enfants (8 à 16 ans) : 2 € Tarif Ambassadeurs : 3 € Militaire civil : 3 € Tarif groupé (forfait deux forts) : 6,50 € Tarif groupé (2 adultes + 2 enfants) : 10 € Gratuit : Enfants (- de 8 ans) et militaire en tenue

    Weekly opening hours

    Février / Mars : 10h - 17h Avril : 10h - 17h30 Mai / Juin: 10h - 18h30 Juillet / Août : 10h - 19h Septembre : 10h - 17h30 Octobre / Novembre : 10h - 17h Décembre : 10h - 16h30

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