
Work by pupils from the l'Oiselet Lycée in Bourgoin-Jallieu (38)

Educational action - "Fallout"

Projet interdisciplinaire sur la Première Guerre mondiale : résultats des travaux de recherches confiés en exclusivité à l'équipe de rédaction du Bureau des Actions Pédagogiques et de l'Information (BAPI) du Ministère de la défense.

Greatly diversified pedagogical work

Louise lovingly slipped a very moving letter into a parcel with children's drawings, photographs, a handkerchief and perfumed scarf intended for Edward her husband, a soldier on the front during the terrible first world war in 1914.


This very realistic and touching parcel is the fruit of the imagination of Justine, a 6th year student in the L'Oiselet secondary school in Bourgoin-Jallieu who has been working since the beginning of September on the theme of the first world war in Ms. Bonnefoi's class.



One of her schoolmates, Etienne, invented the story of a "poilu", a French first world war soldier, who writes home to his family on yellowed letter paper about the truce that the French and German soldiers came to on that exceptional Christmas night in 1914. He was inspired to write this story by the film 'Merry Christmas' which he saw in history and French class and also by the novel by Maurice Genevoix 'those of 14' or the testimony of Primo Levi "If this is a man".


On a more classic note, two very complete and abundantly illustrated projects described the "experience of fighting in a total war", the first world war and are the excellent work of Charlotte and Noah, 6th year science pupils, as part of the project "Work of history with the duty to never forget."


Finally, photographic reports by students when they travelled to Verdun on 3-4-5 March 2015, remind us that the L'Oiselet secondary school students have benefited from school trips.


This was also the case of the 6th year S3 students, who shared three days with their classmates from a German French-speaking class visiting the Citadel of Verdun, Douaumont, the Vauquois region or the Struthof concentration camp.


Similarly, in early April 2015, the STI2D class visited the Great War Museum in Meaux, as well as the Air and Space Museum at Le Bourget. These visits enabled the students to learn the history of the First World War, to perform a work of remembrance, but also to sharpen their technical knowledge since they had the chance to work on the structure of the wing of an aeroplane with their mechanical engineering teachers.


This time it is Pascal Farjon, history and geography teacher, who was pleased at having been able to organise a trip for the 42 technical class students in his school and this for the 2nd consecutive year. 



Supported by grants from the CBCP *.


All these projects are original and concrete examples of the work done by the students of at the L'Oiselet secondary school which they sent this week to the BAPI and to the DMPA.


They illustrate the diversity and the involvement of the students, who were mobilized around a common, cultural and interdisciplinary theme for many months, involving teachers of history and geography, German and technical disciplines.


All the teachers who initiated these three educational projects, (Mrs Bonnefoi, Filippi, and MM Farjon, Molin, Guth, as well as Ms. Périer the CPE) were forthright in expressing their collective gratitude to the DMPA for financial support through grants from the Bilateral Educational Cooperation Commission *. It meets three times a year and finances educational projects, school visits for primary and secondary school classes...



Grant applications and attribution conditions

can be downloaded from the following websites:

Accueil du portail/établissement et vie scolaire/arts-Culture-sport/mémoire et histoire

Accueil/Pour la communauté éducative/ financement de projets ou voyages pédagogiques


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