
Porh Punz Battery Gavres

Le fort de Porh-Puns (le port du puits, en breton). Source : Ouest-france

Located at the mouth of Lorient harbour, Gâvres Peninsula is home to several coastal batteries designed to protect the citadel of Port-Louis and, during World War II, Lorient harbour and its submarine base.


The first fort built at Gâvres, in 1695, was Port-Puce (or Porh Punz in Breton), by decision of the Marquis de Lavardin, to protect Port-Louis. Very quickly it was equipped with 10 cannons and 2 mortars. At the end of the 18th century, it was equipped with a guardhouse housing 60 men. It underwent major changes a few years later with the addition of land and the construction of an ammunition magazine.


World War II

At the start of World War II, Gavres Peninsula had two batteries along with the fort. The Germans, notably Organisation Todt, added 4 casemates, a fire stand and personnel shelters, making the peninsula a powerful weapon against Allied aircraft and ships, both night and day.

The 4 casemates on the municipal campground can still be visited today. The fort is not open to the public, but it is an impressive sight when the sea is rough.

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Porh-Puns 56680
+33 (0)

Weekly opening hours

open to the public every week-end

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