
Auch Resistance and Deportation Museum

Vues de l'intérieur du musée. ©Collection Tourisme Gers/Musée de la résistance /Mairie Auch. Source :

This museum, inaugurated on 5 October 1975, remembers the fight of the Resistance movement in the Department of Gers.


Founded in 1954 by Louis Villanova, Marcel Daguzan and Louis Leroy, the Auch Museum of Resistance and Deportation, in Gers, was opened on 5 October 1975 by Andre Bord, the then Veterans Minister. The exhibits feature objects, documents and other items from the period owned by resistance veterans.

This remembrance space preserves these important relics for generations to come and keeps the memory of the Resistance operations in Gers alive.


One of the objectives of the museum association founded in 1994 is to expand the collections over time. The exhibition rooms lead visitors through the history of the Resistance from its first steps to the region's liberation. One room is also dedicated to the Deportation, displaying objects, documents, illustrations and a memorial to the deportees from Gers.

Auch Resistance and Deportation Museum

rue Pagodoutés

32000 Auch

Tel: +33 (0)5 62 05 74 79

                 +33 (0)5 62 61 21 85

Free admission

Enquire for opening days and times.


Gers Resistance and Deportation Museum Association : Auch Town Hall


Departmental office for the national bureau of war veterans and victims of war

29, chemin de Baron - 32000 Auch

Tel: +33 (0)5 62 05 01 32 - Fax: +33 (0)5 62 05 51 05



  • ©Office de tourisme Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne

  • ©Office de tourisme Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne

  • ©Office de tourisme Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne

  • ©Office de tourisme Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne

  • ©Office de tourisme Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne

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