18 June 1940: commemorating General de Gaulle’s call to arms

Photo of General de Gaulle, probably taken in 1940
Image source: www.ordredelaliberation.fr
Watch the video of the tribute to combatant France held at Mont Valérien, together with the speech given by the French President in London on 18 June 2020, when the UK capital was awarded the Legion of Honour.
Visit the Historial Charles de Gaulle and consult the Musée de l’Armée’s General de Gaulle resources
Access the first-hand accounts and documents made available by the Fondation Charles de Gaulle:
Historical sources
‘Sur la préhistoire du 18 juin’, by François Bédarida (Espoir, no 123, 2000)
‘Du 18 Juin aux 18 juin : comment l’appel du 18 juin est devenu l’acte fondateur de la Résistance’, by Jean-Louis Crémieux Brilhac (Espoir, no 123, 2000)
First-hand accounts
Elisabeth de Miribel, General de Gaulle’s secretary
Philippe de Gaulle, the General’s son
Geneviève de Gaulle- Anthonioz , on the meaning of 18 June (text from June 1980)
Jean-Louis Debré, on family memories of commemoration
A day-by-day account of 15 to 20 June 1940
Discover a range of resources on our page dedicated to the 80th anniversary of 1940:
The call to arms of 18 June: refusing defeat – an episode of the web series “Comme en 40”
Key scientific and educational articles
1940 | Answering the Call, a special edition of Les Chemins de la Mémoire with a new article by Laurent Douzou
Enseigner de Gaulle (Teaching about de Gaulle), a feature edited by Tristan Lecoq, inspector-general of national education, and published by the Fondation Charles de Gaulle
Documents on General de Gaulle, with commentary
The illustrated key stages of Charles de Gaulle’s life: Timeline © www.charles-de-gaulle.org
Speeches given: General de Gaulle’s calls to arms © Musée de l’Ordre de la Libération
Other relevant articles
Biography of General de Gaulle
The Charles de Gaulle Memorial Colombey-les-Deux-Églises
Test your knowledge by answering 20 simple questions on General de Gaulle and the call to arms of 18 June

18 juin 1942 - Londres (Angleterre) - Au Royal Albert Hall, le général de Gaulle prononce un discours à l'occasion du deuxième anniversaire de l'appel du 18 juin 1940 et de la naissance de la France libre
© Photographe inconnu/ECPAD/Défense
Le général de Gaulle au micro de la BBC à Londres, 30 octobre 1941
© SHD/Vincennes