Eperlecques bunker

Eperlecques Bunker Source: http://www.leblockhaus.com/fr
The Eperlecques bunker, the biggest bunker in the North of France, a listed historical monument.
Built by the Germans (Organisation TODT) in 1943, the Eperlecques bunker was the first base for launching V2 missiles built in France.
At the same time, in the same forest, a V1 launchpad was under construction. It is 20 km from the coast, between Dunkirk, Calais, Boulogne and St-Omer.
From March to 27 August 1943, construction of the Eperlecques bunker was making good progress. On 27 August, the site was bombarded by the Allies. Work began again and the deported and prisoners began to arrive in November. The initial project was altered to install a liquid oxygen production plant (combustive fuel for V2).
Visitors walk around a park set out with diorama and military equipment, following a marked route with sound in several languages, as follows: A page in history
• Comparison of V1 and V2;
• Development of the Eperlecques bunker;
• Construction of this concrete giant;
• The bombings;
• Modifications to plans after the bombings;
• The result of an artificial earthquake.
Visitors then enter the building, where the visit continues. Inside the bunker, an audio-visual projection plunges visitors into cold and darkness.
On leaving the bunker, visitors listen to conclusions relating the past to modern day, such as the fact that the V2 was the ancestor of space conquest. The final message emphasises the necessity to work for peace.
Eperlecques Bunker
Rue du Sart 62910 Eperlecques
Tel.: +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)
Open in March from 11am to 5pm. In April and October from 10am to 6pm. In May, June, July, August and September from 10am to 7pm. In November from 2.15pm to 5pm.
Quiz: Forts and citadels

Le blockhaus d'Eperlecques. Source : Photo SGA/DMPA
Practical information
Rue des Sarts 62910
Tél : :
Adulte: 9€ Enfant: 5€ Etudiant: 6€ ' En famille (2 adultes et 2 enfants ) : 25€ ' Groupe adultes de 10 à 30 personnes: 6€ Groupe adultes plus de 30 personne: 5,50€ Groupe scolaire: 4,50€ par enfant
Ouvert tous les jours week-end et jours fériés Mars: 11 H à 17 H Avril et Octobre: 10 H à 18 H Mai, Juin, Juillet, Août, Septembre : 10 H à 19 H Novembre : 14 H 15 à 17 H Groupes sur rdv.
Décembre, janvier et février