Joux Château

The château. ©Joux Château
With its five fortified walls, Joux Château demonstrates the development of fortifications over ten centuries.
The ten centuries of history of this fortress, the first constructions of which date from 1034, present developments made in defences on a 2-hectare site: the solid towers of the Middle Ages, the bastions from Vauban's era and the modern fort built in front of the château by Joffre in 1879.
Three ditches with drawbridges protect a world of prisons, from the dungeon which housed the legendary Berthe de Joux to the cells where Mirabeu, Kleist and Toussaint Louverture were confined.
A particularly memorable feature of the site is a large well, a vertiginous cylinder dug out of the rock.
A rich museum of weapons from the 18th and 19th centuries, which holds several particularly rare pieces, is a perfect complement to the visit.
In addition to the various exhibitions, visitors will see a scale model of the château measuring 3.64m by 1.76m complete with audio commentary.
Visits, talks, evening events and the Nuits de Joux festival in July-August are organised.

©L. Lepeule

Porte d’honneur du Château de Joux
©A. Baud

Château de Joux sous la neige
©L. Lepeule – L2 Photographie
Practical information
La Cluse-et-Mijoux
03 81 69 47 95
Adultes 6,5 € Enfants (de 6 à 14 ans) : 3,5 € Réduit : 5,5 € Famille (2 adultes et 2 enfants) : 17 € Enfant supplémentaire : 2 €
Du 1er avril au 15 novembre : 10h à 11h30 et de 14h à 16h30 Juillet et août : de 9h à 18h Du 16 novembre au 30 mars : le château est susceptible d'être ouvert selon les conditions météo. Groupe toute l'année sur réservation
Musée d'armes anciennes fermé en hiver