Le fort de Leveau

Feignies - Fort de Leveau. ©Budotradan
Fort de Leveau was built in the 19th century and covers an area of just over 8 hectares. It was part of the Maubeuge fortifications. Today, an association looks after its heritage.
Fort de Leveau is part of a fortification system dating back to 1874. It is just one of the structures erected around Maubeuge to protect it.
It is a "cavalier and high battery" structure, surrounded with masonry ditches with a scarp and counterscarp. These were defended with two caponiers (covered passages), with the entrance and the gorge protected with two flanking casemates.
Before World War 1 began, a concrete gun turret for two 75mm guns was added. The fort was bombarded and evacuated on 7 September 1914. According to sources, between 80 and 120 people lost their lives and the building was seriously damaged.
It was refurbished in the 1930s and observation posts were constructed. The fort fell on 19 May 1940. During the Liberation, it was the backdrop of combats between the French Forces of the Interior (FFI) and German troops.
Today, the fort belongs to the town of Feignies and is preserved as a place for reflection and strolling, steeped in history. Since 1993, the Association de Sauvegarde du Fort de Leveau has been looking after the site.
The main living quarters and defences of the fort can be visited: barracks, caponiers, concrete structure, central tunnel, trenches. Inside, a museum is dedicated to the two world wars. All objects and documents concerning the fort or Maubeuge are displayed in the gunpowder room, while the artillery store and the central corridor display uniforms, documents and apparatus from the Great War. Visitors can also discover a room decorated with furniture of the time. Lastly, the museum has a room dedicated to the Second World War.
Exhumations were carried out at the request of families of soldiers who died on 7 September 1914. In 1998, after two years of painstaking work, the bodies of nine buried soldiers were exhumed. They were able to be identified thanks to their identification tags and thus emerged from an 84-year oblivion. Nearly all of the families were found and invited to the funerals of their grandfather or great-grandfather. A moving ceremony took place at the fort and a commemorative plaque was unveiled, followed by another ceremony at the Assevent cemetery to bury the bodies.
Fort de Leveau
Association de sauvegarde du fort de Leveau
BP 68 59750 Feignies
Tel./Fax: +33 (0)3 27 62 37 07
Quizz : Forts and citadels

© A.S.F.L.

© A.S.F.L.

© A.S.F.L.

© A.S.F.L.
Practical information
Rue Mairieux 59750
Tél / fax: 03 27 62 37 07
Pour les individuels : - de 10 ans : gratuit 10/16 ans : 1,50 € + de 16 ans : 5,00 € Pour les groupes : A partir de 10 personnes et sur réservation Visite guidée du site : 6,50 € / personne Groupes enfants : 1,50 € / place
Musée : du lundi au vendredi : de 13 h à 17 h Le premier et le troisième dimanche du mois :de 8 h à 11 h 30
Fermé les jours fériés