The Carrefour Duchesne national cemetery in Orbey

La nécropole nationale du Carrefour Duchesne. © ECPAD
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The Carrefour Duchesne national cemetery, which is located in the middle of a forest, holds the remains of soldiers who died for France during the battles in Haute-Alsace in the sectors of Lingekopf and La Tête des Faux in 1914-1918. There were heavy losses during the battles of Le Linge and La Tête des Faux between 1914 and 1915: 10,000 Frenchmen and 7,000 Germans were killed. Following these offensives, this sector no longer played a major role until the end of the war.
The cemetery is named after Henri Duchesne, battalion commander of the 215th infantry regiment (RI), who was killed on 2 December 1914 during the attack at La Tête des Faux. Today his body lies in the military plot at Plainfaing (Vosges). This site, which is located to the south of the Col de Bonhomme - and can only be reached on foot from the Col du Calvaire - contains the bodies of 408 Frenchmen, including 116 who lie in an ossuary.
Within the cemetery is a chapel built during the hostilities, as well as a monument dedicated to both the men of the 14th battalion of the mountain infantry (BCA) who died in June 1915 and Major Duchesne.
Among the French soldiers lie the remains of Major Charles Golaz, battalion commander of the 359th RI (infantry regiment) (grave 232). Born in Switzerland in 1863, he is the only officer to be buried at Carrefour Duchesne.
In 1921, following their acquisition by the state, the battlefields of Hartmannswillerkopf, La Tête des Faux and Le Linge were classified, followed by the military cemeteries of Moosch and Carrefour Duchêne in 1923-1924.

La nécropole nationale du Carrefour Duchesne. © ECPAD

La nécropole nationale du Carrefour Duchesne. © ECPAD

La nécropole nationale du Carrefour Duchesne. © ECPAD
La nécropole nationale du Carrefour Duchesne. © Guillaume Pichard
La nécropole nationale du Carrefour Duchesne. © Guillaume Pichard

La nécropole nationale du Carrefour Duchesne. © ECPAD

La nécropole nationale du Carrefour Duchesne. © ECPAD

Vestiges de la forêt vosgienne et du hameau de Pairis sur la cote 917 à Orbey après les bombardements et les premiers combats de 1915. © CIL/Collection Thomas Carriot

Vestiges de la forêt vosgienne et du hameau de Pairis sur la cote 917 à Orbey après les bombardements et les premiers combats de 1915. © CIL/Collection Thomas Carriot

Soldats français à proximité d'une torpille à ailettes utilisée par l'artillerie de tranchée au " Reichaker ". Se révélant peu adaptée aux réalités de la guerre de tranchée, l'artillerie à tir tendu est complétée par des canons à tir courbe. Ces mortiers ou "crapouillots" se révèlent ainsi plus efficaces en lançant des projectiles qui ne cessent d'évoluer.© CIL/Collection Thomas Carriot

Pente nord-est du massif du Linge, mai 1917. © Collections BDIC

Entrée de la grande galerie située sur les pentes du massif du Linge, nord-est de Sultzeren, mai 1917. © Collections BDIC

Cavaliers du 2e peloton du 2e escadron du 4e chasseurs à cheval, Orbey, avril 1918. © Collections BDIC

Abris du camp Bouquet situé à proximité du massif du Linge, août 1918. © Collections BDIC
Practical information
A 25 km au nord-ouest de Colmar. A la sortie de Orbey, en direction de la route des lacs, suivre le fléchage à la "Tête des Faux"
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Comité Régional du Tourisme d'Alsace
20, rue Berthe Molly
68000 Colmar
Tél. 03 89 24 73 50