André Maginot

André Maginot was born in Paris February 17th 1877 and dies January 6th 1932 in the in the same city. At the age of 23 he became Commissioner of Audit in the Council of State. In 1910, André Maginot is elected deputy of the Meuse. He will specialize in the study of military affairs. He is appointed many times Under-Secretary of State and Ministry. When the First World war broke out he will serve his country as non-commissioned officer but will be seriously wounded. During the years between 1922 to 1924 and 1929 to 1932, in the role of Minister of war, he will activate the realization of his fortification program. December 28th, 1929 he presents his budget bill to the deputies. January 14th, 1930 the parliament amended 2900 million francs budget for the borders terrestrial defence. As the result of additional costs, the credit total rises up to 3442 millions in 1930, with this work coast distribution: 55% for Lorraine, 26% for Alsace and 10% for the Alps.
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Commemorative sites
- Fort du Randouillet
- Fort Suchet, known as du Barbonnet
- Fermont Fortification
- Museum of War and Peace in the Ardennes
- Bois du Four fortification
- Veckring, ouvrage du Hackenberg
- Le fort des Têtes, Briançon
- Fort Simserhof, Siersthal
- The Fort de l'Infernet
- The Fort de la Croix de Bretagne
- Fort of Guentrange
- Fort of Guentrange
- Verdun
- Casemate of Pont Saint Louis
- The Mont-Dauphin citadel